To stop talking, or chill out before you look like a complete idiot .
Guy 1: "Yo I miss my girlfriend"

Guy 2: "Didn't she cheat on you with your brother?

Guy 1: "Yea, but I love he dude"

Guy 2: "Close that door, nigga!"
by YungNeologist November 30, 2014
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To cause someones virginity to be lost.
To pop the cherry. From a male to a female.
Cory closed Sam's door. She isn't a virgin anymore.
by julia6677555 June 11, 2005
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A memeable referance to the classic song by Panic! At The Disco: "I Write Sins, Not Tragedies"
"Haven't you people ever heard of Closing The Goddamn Door, no?"
"Wtf Brendon! We're at a wedding!"
"Oh yes but what a shame, what a shame the poor grooms bride is a whore."
"Oh dear lord..."
by OmgIt'sLeafy December 17, 2016
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The policy wherein the occupants of an office or room keep the door closed so as to limit the amount of annoying intrusions, which may consist of people wandering in or simply the to shut out the annoying noises that are made in the hall.
"Zach and Evan have a closed door policy after that girl came in and would not shut up."
"Dude, shut the door, closed-door policy!"
by page hall regulator January 12, 2010
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1 Slang in a corporate environment where feedback and open communication from cubicle monkeys is strongly discouraged. Opposite of Open Door Policy.

2 Sarcastic term used to mock an organization's Open Door Policy double speak, when their Open Door Policy is just meaningless tripe and lip service.
I thought of a great way to save the company some money, but our manager's Closed Door Policy ensures that will never happen... she thinks ideas from the cubicle farm are a waste of her precious time. I feel like such a tool.
by Security Wonk July 19, 2008
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When someone is behind a closed door and says anything they want but once the door opens and the person they have been talking shit to gets ahold of them they are cowards.
Johnny showed a lot of closed door courage in making fun of Billy while they were in lockdown, but once the doors opened Johnny made sure the guards could always see him.

Internet trolls are now the epitome of closed door courage. Because they know nothing they say will ever have any repercussions.
by HunterofTrolls September 23, 2017
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