An affectionate name for friend, a buddy, a pal who may or may not be a little bit of a muppet but you love them for it. Based on the noise your cheeks make when pinched in an affectionate manner, similar to Chimp.
1) Victoria, you chunch you nearly took my eye out opening that bottle of wine.

2) Do you fancy going to see the latest Twilight movie later chunch?
by wordchimp November 27, 2011
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Loose combination of "chode" and "douche".

An all-purpose term to describe a guy who sucks.
Jackie: "That guy over there really needs to stop yelling. Nobody wants to hear you talk dude."

Emily: "For sure, he's a total chunch."
by sparkbop September 19, 2009
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Dude, Hannah totally let me have her chunch burger last night!!
by !^#w$% May 7, 2009
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An insulting term meaning horrible cunt and has nothing to do with holes of any sort.
Ashley Fidler is such a chunch hole. She never pays for hot chocolate or gas money.
by ddanhall December 19, 2008
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A van full of undocumented immigrants (usually of the Mexican persuasion) headed to a construction job site. The van must contain at least 10 illegals to be considered a wagon of the CHUNCH variety.
Me: “Hey bro, I spotted a fleet of chunch wagons headed towards that new apartment complex being built on Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard

Friend: “Lmao the bean brigade is at it again”
by chunchlord July 25, 2021
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A van full of undocumented immigrants (usually of the Mexican persuasion) headed to a construction job site. The van must contain at least 10 illegals to be considered a wagon of the CHUNCH variety.
Me: “Hey bro, I spotted a fleet of chunch wagons headed towards that new apartment complex being built on Martin Luther King Jr Boulevard

Friend: “Lmao the bean brigade is at it again”
by chunchlord July 25, 2021
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(VERB) A very powerful uppercut to the Penis, often leaving the receiver Sterile, and very sore.
JIM: Dude that guy was on the receiving end of a Wiener Chunch

GEORGE: DAMN, now he will never have kids
by RichardFantasy May 24, 2010
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