To stutter or slur words, usually caused by a migraine.
A very very he-heavy burtation tonight.
by qactus February 18, 2011
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A line flub first introduced to the world by Serene Branson at the Grammy Awards.

Burtation is an epic fail of saying one's lines when on live TV where it can be preserved forever in internet meme history.
We had a very heavy burtation tonight.
by wirelesscable February 20, 2011
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Can sometimes be heavy when combined with a darison. Tara-tasin Putha-pat. The grammy's had a heavy burtation this year.
by PRGM2 February 18, 2011
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coined by Serene Branson at the 2011 Grammy Awards. It is either the product of being tongue-tied, or something more serious.
by mgbyrnc February 15, 2011
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a burp-puke. when you burp and puke comes up.
i just swallowed my burtation
by clifford,tbone,sameagle February 23, 2011
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The result of giving insight into highlights and backstage coverage of the 53rd Grammy Awards. Usually heavy in nature. Typically accompanied by the protagonists Darris Darrison and Terry Tazor.
Reporter: "Well a very very heavy burtation tonight. We had a very Darris Darrison byeit and let's go hit Terry Tazor inloshabit and head the pet."
by leprechaun7 February 22, 2011
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An occurance in which a person has a complete 'brain fart' and does not make sense in speaking. A person's brain is in high overdrive and suffers a temporary 'blonde' moment. Sometimes this burtation is heavy.
"Well a very very heavay - uh - heaveh burtation tonight. We had a very darist-darison, by, lets go hit teret taysan those to the bet who had the pet."
by Taris Taysen February 22, 2011
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