Australian phrase used to describe the person who is the bullly
I remember more times in my early school years when I was the bullier and not the victim. But, hey, I was just helping my buddies get tougher.
by dp March 17, 2004
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mack is a bully but lucas is bullier
by sexy mack October 11, 2018
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A word used to describe the aggresor of insults or hurtful things
by Showeringwithmarshmellow August 9, 2018
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A person who habitually seeks to harm or intimidate those whom they perceive as vulnerable.
"Maple is a ranting, domineering bullier."
by PrincessBabyLizard May 10, 2021
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A bullier is just really a term for a bully
The bullier was extremely aggressive towards the nerds
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one who teases or persistently pokes fun at
Stop making fun of me, you're such a bullier.
by fritzthecrisp July 11, 2023
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Something anyone uses to describe someone bullying another with a witness.
Say for example a kid is bullying another person and there is a witness.

BULLY: Hah! Loser.
KID: :(
WITNESS: Hey! You’re a bullier!
BULLY: I gotta go!
by the thingy dude July 21, 2023
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