
It's the excrement mixed with sperm that is squirted out of a woman, or man's asshole after punishing anal sex. Often, the receiver is given laxatives beforehand. Phonetically, it's spelled b-yoof.
Dude, I fucked that bitch's ass till she bufed.
by GrantR August 18, 2005
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verb used to describe an act of gay anal sex. Frequently spelled phoneticaly as "boof"
Yo dude, that guy across the bar keeps checking out your package man, I think he wants to bufe you.
by Spanky McSpunk April 15, 2003
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Butt fucked, but more generally meaning to get fucked over. (Pronounced boofed)
Oh man, John really bufed me by forgetting to pick me up for work.
by jessyka77 September 25, 2013
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To be cool and/or hot.
Damn he/she is pretty god damn bufe.
by Long Shlong John1231 January 22, 2013
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