When you have breakfast, lunch and a snack at one time. Usually in the middle of the afternoon and isn't very healthy.
A cross between the works BReakfast, lUNch, and snacK.
At 2 pm I had cookies and cream icecream for brunk.
by JessiCat April 2, 2006
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someone who gets drunk and act gay/batty.
allow that bredda being brunk up in my face
by Lewis Phillips May 18, 2008
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Consuming copious amounts of alcohol during brunch.
Guys let's hit the bar early for lunch and do some brunking.
by Steelclimber July 13, 2014
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an unforeseen occurrence of alcohol consumption
After a night of brunkeness, Brian was so befuddled that he showed up at the wrong work location the following morning and was unable to get the mule to the barn in a timely fashion.
by The Barlett Ultimatum July 26, 2008
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becoming inebriated during brunch usually off of unlimited mimosas.
Shannon couldn't make it to afternoon mass because she got brunk at that nice french place on Solano blvd.
by Juan Thecomedian September 28, 2010
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1. Being in a state intoxication following a night out in London or Las Vegas bars. Usually follows drinking in excess.

A brunk person will be found a wandering the streets late in the evening, with out turned pockets for extra effect. A Brunk person is usually immune from being mugged as he will have no money on him and the mugger will not be able to negotiate for alternative belongings of value.
That chap is completely brunk, look at his out turned pockets and he is all over the place.

I hope I don't get brunk tonight.

Next day
I'm still brunk, look at my bank account. I don't remember buying all those drinks and how did I acquire this new tattoo?
by kayeffsea April 14, 2019
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