Someone who from a distance appears sweet and innocent but once in close range is wild and manic and will pull you to your own demise with their fluffy murder mittens.
She is like a Maniacal Box of Kittens. Irresistible and deadly.
by Maniacal Murder Mittens October 1, 2023
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When something appears to be lame, or else when someone is in desperate need of visiting a place for uncalled nonsense.
Literal: "Damn you, crawl into the box of lames..."

Not literal: "Ughh... damn test. Wadda box of lames."
by KMLZ! September 18, 2008
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An act where a man excessively inseminates a girl and pours crunchy cereal onto the mess, proceeding to eat the mess out of her
"Bro, I just bought these Frosted Flakes so Jessica and I can go cereal boxing tonight!"
by fortnitedancingcatbears July 24, 2022
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A dwelling occupied by a homeless black man
After being evicted from his apartment, D'Andray moved into to a Kenmore box.
by Crackasscracka September 12, 2022
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A unit of weight to be used in lieu of traditional standards when attempting to spread false information, fear monger or mislead another into believing the mass of an object is much greater. One moving box (1mbs) is equal to 0.75lbs, 12oz, 0.340194kb, 0.3 courics or 1 large potato.
"I've held an AR-15 in my hand, it is as heavy as ten boxes that you might be moving." - Representative Sheila Jackson Lee

I've already lost 2 moving boxes this week!
by BlackS3ven AkA Greco September 26, 2019
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