In Magic: the Gathering when an opponent returns a creature back to a player's hand (usually in the form of Boomerang or a similar card), used as a verb.
"I'm gonna bounce your Lord of the Pit and then attack with my Raging Goblins just to piss you off."
by aSyntaxError May 25, 2009
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man that was sum ill bounce we grabbed last night
by Big JF December 6, 2005
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To Lizzeave as in Bizzeing tizzired of Sizzomethizzing. - Bounce (Bizzounce)
Yo foo! Dis Shnizz Be Whizzack. Let's hit dat shizzit and Bounce(Bizzounce).
by Word Master J May 16, 2005
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The thrill someone gets out of doing something mischievous, devious, or secretive, such as sneaking around someone's house or property knowing there's a chance of getting caught.
Jack said "the door's locked lets go...John replied "where's the bounce in that?"
by d loc December 4, 2007
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basically, leave. but when people say usually say bounce, they mean "LEAVE BIZNATCH!"
make like titties and bounce!
by The Mr Needles Experience September 17, 2007
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