26 definitions by The Mr Needles Experience

A play on iPod that just changes the 'o' to a 'w' for those '1337' speaking losers who think that stuff is cool. Bootleg iPods tend to have that as the logo. If you see an iPod that has iPwn on it instead, it might not be smart to trust it.
Slash: Look at my new iPod, its da shiz.
Torch: No, thats a shitty iPwn, look at that w.
by The Mr Needles Experience September 26, 2006
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The alternate state of being that you enter after using certain drugs or sniffing certain things. You will feel very surreal and look at things with a different perspective. You laugh at a lot of silly things, speak differently and have impaired motor skills. Your blood pressure usually goes down, sometimes to the point of fainting. But that's not a point. Being high is an experience that is nearly unparalleled and cannot be described. People say that getting high kills brain cells, but that's because your brain is oxygen-deficient from smoking or sniffing in the first place (That's how people get high off of whiteout and sharpies)
A really funny thing to do to people who get high is say "Do you want some food?" and they'll probably say "Yeah" and then you say "Well too bad I don't have any...bitch." There was this kid who used to come in class high every time and one day we put an imaginary box on his head and he started flipping out, yelling "Get it off! I can't see!"
by The Mr Needles Experience September 26, 2007
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Two puppets who seek to ruin the minds of children.
Slash: Do you remember Bert and Ernie from Sesame Street?
Torch: Omg they ruined my life. Dam homos! Honestly...two guys that live together, sleep in the same room, and if the budget for Sesame Street was higher, they'd be practically sleeping on the same bed!
by The Mr Needles Experience September 26, 2006
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basically, leave. but when people say usually say bounce, they mean "LEAVE BIZNATCH!"
make like titties and bounce!
by The Mr Needles Experience September 17, 2007
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another way of using rofl just like roflwaffle or roflcopter except now harry potter fans will kill it if they ever hear it.
Andy: did you know that George likes the 5th harry potter movie?
Bob: rofl
Andy: roflcopter
Bob: roflquaffle
George: WOW ROFLQUAFFLE HAHAHA thats amazing youre a genius lol roflquaffle roflquaffle roflquaffle roflquaffle roflquaffle..
Andy: people will never find your body Bob
by The Mr Needles Experience September 17, 2007
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the first step on the road to drugs. roll it up and smoke it good. also, the crystals left behind by the making of a joint can make you high if you lick them.
marijuana: the cause and solution to all of life's problems.
by The Mr Needles Experience March 22, 2007
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A natural, that's right, NATURAL ingredient in some foods. The glutamate ion is a form of a widespread, naturally occurring amino acid. Some naturally occurring instances include tomatoes, parmesan cheese, peas, corn and most meat. Too much MSG will cause people to become hungry more often, and that is the Chinese restaurant's fault.
MSG will raise your blood pressure and (very rarely) cause epileptic seizures. But it still tastes good.
by The Mr Needles Experience September 26, 2007
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