The word Beih is also another word for "The Lads" depending on where you are it is used. This word is used mostly in Scotland and several different parts of Africa and southern Asian nations.
Peter: Alright beihs its time for a session at mine and to woop out a bit of the doob.
by FlinxBeih January 2, 2011
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Beih (Pronounced Bay-h) - Beih is a group of youths. Too be a beih some that is already a beih has too call you beih too make yourself apart of the beihs. The word Beih originated from the word Beh 5years ago. It grew through the years until someone added an i in it too become beih. There are many Beihs and hopefully someday everyone in the world will be a Beih which will cause world peace.
Sean Beih - Hi gavin beih!
Gavin - Im a beih now!?
Sean Beih - yes, you are now
Gavin Beih - Yeeess!
by The Beih January 2, 2011
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