by JohnnyEf April 6, 2005
Boobs that sag at the top making a woman look like she has a pair of bananas sticking out of her bra.
That woman had the pointiest banana boobs ever!
by Deering September 11, 2006
(n.) a woman's breast that slopes smoothly into its terminus with a pointy nipple. Breasts afflicted with banana boob usually have puffy or atomic nipples. Fondness for tits of this nature is considered to be a fetish. One thing's for sure, they are most definitely highly suckable.
by blenderhead91 September 1, 2010
Holy crap. did you see those banana boobs!! Those looked like something you'd see in the National Geographic.
by Weslitzu March 12, 2010
Downward danglers is a term for very banana formed boobs, (like incredible long ones) that is broadly used in Northern Scotland.
by Mrmonkeynig January 25, 2022