An area filled with sleeze, unnessicary death, disgusting images, and disturbing indivudals.
Johnny became a man on his fourteenth birthday, when he entered the disgusting, but somewhat entrancing b0g.
by ballz-xxx October 29, 2003
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i)What minds turn into when left infront of the Internet too long.
ii)The watery uninhabited parts ;English.
i,ii & iii) Lordy lordy lordy, that boys mind is like b0g!
by Creutzfeldt-Jakob October 28, 2003
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To flame stupid shit others have posted, only to post something worse later.
I ask for forgiveness, father, for I have b0gged.
by 5|-|17 October 29, 2003
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"Dude, is so fucking sweet. Even though Raiden is black :( "
by ph34r August 31, 2003
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to have 2 or more simaltanious orgasms while looking at bog cams
uNF i b0gged on my keyboard
damn that guy in ceram wrap is sexy
by !As cool as macgyver! July 14, 2003
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the former best website in the world is down =(((
by Nado January 18, 2004
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To eat ones own excrement only to later regeritate it and then procede to eat it for sexual enjoyment
John likes to b0g
by SpitShit May 12, 2003
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