b + d

I was really surprised to find out that he was down for b + d.
by mightyboosh August 14, 2008
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Acronym for Bhadwa & Dalal which aptly describes the Govt's bootlicking media houses of India. Can be identified by 24*7 telecast of biased fake news, spewing of communal hatred, hiding Govt's failures and loud noise on prime time with 15+ debaters on an half hour debate.

Can be used for fox news by all means.
"No my dear friend, I call you B&D. Aur batao."
"Fox news is such a B&D of trump these days"
by BhaktRemovalSpray January 28, 2020
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An icon depicting a Jizzming weiner
Will accidentally posted a B===D~~, when he meant to post a friendly cartoon on his friend's webpage.
by Vi Rival June 30, 2006
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Known as the "thumbs-up smiley," it is an ascii or emoticon similar to ^.^ b. It is displayed with two thumbs up as seen with the placement of the 'b' and 'd' before and after the ^.^ emoticon, respectively. Compared to the ^.^ b emoticon, the lone 'b' is switched to a 'd' and a 'b' is added to the other side to properly depict where the fist would be if one were to observe and individual put their thumbs up.

Derived from the ^.^ emoticon, it expresses similar emotions to a physical thumbs up such as approval, joy, or success.
Seth: I just got laid last night!

Tom: noice!! b^.^d
by Blue Hashbrown December 20, 2007
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Bondage and Domination

Referring to the practice of restraining a sexual partner and then asserting one's control over them through a variety of methods, including, but not limited to:

* forced sexual positions
* humiliation
* forced climax

Not to be confused with S&M, which refers to pain play.

See also: Bondage
"Put on your leash. It's time for some B&D."
by thehumanencyclopedia June 21, 2004
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Known as the "thumbs-up smiley," it is an ascii or emoticon similar to ^.^ b. It is displayed with two thumbs up as seen with the placement of the 'b' and 'd' before and after the ^.^ emoticon, respectively. Compared to the ^.^ b emoticon, the lone 'b' is switched to a 'd' and a 'b' is added to the other side to properly depict where the fist would be if one were to observe and individual put their thumbs up.

Derived from the ^.^ emoticon, it expresses similar emotions to a physical thumbs up such as approval, joy, or success.
Seth: I just got laid last night!

Tom: noice!! b^.^d
by Blue Hashbrown January 10, 2008
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Bondage and Discipline (*not* Bondage and Domination, as most people think).
He taught her the tricks of B&D, starting with simple commands such as, "Take off your clothes and stand in the corner for 3 hours with this butt plug in your hole."
by dgrl August 7, 2005
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