Spanish paralinguistic feature of communication. Employed when no words are capable of conveying the frustration, anger or general absurdity of the situation.
by Lexy May 18, 2004
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damn! codacious has some mighty fine abs! what a beast!
"AY AY AY! That's incredible, how are his abdominals so fine?!"
by hailerz52794 May 8, 2010
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this word describes a feeling of hurt for example when someone hits you, its commonly used by two people fala and shaikha when there playing call of duty or fortnite
fala: ay ay ay he hurt me or fala: ay ay ay he damaged me or shaikha: ay ay ay hes one shot
by fbfmr May 27, 2020
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"Ay ay ay-yah. Ay ay ay-yah."
by Alis-own September 7, 2003
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an expression used when feeling someone has done a very idiotic thing.
"that boi just fell off a rock"
"aye aye aye"
by anexika August 22, 2006
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a onomatopoeia used to when somebody reacts to recreational racism or an offensive joke. Very useful to use when caught bumming your neighbours dog
A = I don't make jokes about 911 because all my jokes about it just seem to crash and burn
B = aye aye aye
by leader of the lizard people August 6, 2018
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