the real name of a prissy and uptight but kind aunt who summers in the Hampton’s. the name of my friends aunt who invited us to stay at the Hampton’s with her. marring her husband only or his money she is known for making good financial decisions. constantly reminding her guests to reapply sunscreen and tending to their wounds when they got a hitler Mustache cut she’s always looking out for your medical wellbeing.
yo, you she that bitchy milf writing an article by the pool?!..... yea that’s aunt gay
by writingshitaboutauntgay July 13, 2021
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Hello everyone, my aunts name is Gay. Yes, I know what you’re thinking— why is her name Gay— who came up with this? Well it was actually my amazing Grandmother. Now my aunt is very rich and has three houses all in different states. She was once a lawyer but then decided to have a family and took all the money from her husband. They are still together and he looks miserable everywhere I see him! But also my aunt has written one book about college and writes daily! It’s quite fascinating.
oh hey that’s aunt gay over!
aunt gay is the most amazing person ever.
by ian is gay July 13, 2021
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"your gay Aunt" describes a Person who is not too fussy about doing things properly. This Person might just not be too botherd about someting or is just too lazy to put in too much Effort.

Your gay Aunt would not bother to use Fresh Herbs when cooking, the Dried stuff is just fine.
It needs to be mixed right in the first place, your gay aunt or your Thanos hat wearing cousin is never going to bother to do this.
by Woords March 21, 2023
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Bob:ur mum gay
Joe:ur dad lesbian
Jimbo:ur granny tranny
Joe:ur grandpap a trap
Mary Poppin:ur sister a mister
Guy:ur brother a mother
You:Ur aunt a gay croissant
*everyone else dies*
by Daboder2 May 25, 2018
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