Something only real assholes say. Don't know if someone is an asshole? See if they say "Antidisestablishmentarianism."
Asshole: Antidisestablishmentarianism!
Nice Guy: Yea, right. Just because you say a big word doesn't mean you are smart, especially when you say it totally out of context.
by Cecil Love August 6, 2006
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A really long and complicated word used by kids to sound smart, when in all reality, very few people know what it means. Let's break it down:

anti - against, negative (anti-matter)
dis - un, anti, or not (displeased)
establishment - They way things are because the big guys say so ( "down with the establishment man!")
arianism - suffix to turn a word into a person that does something, or has a certain set of beliefs. (vegetarianism is a healthy alternative diet)

So, an antidisestablishmentarian is someone against those who are against the establishment. In all, it a rather redundant, pointless word.
antidisestablishmentarianism is a really stupid word.
by Chellykins January 9, 2005
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opposing the disestablishment of the Church Of England
i'm all for antidisestablishentarianism
by mazzy June 19, 2005
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Oppostion to the position of the removal of goverment support of the church. Opposition to the doctrine of seperation of church and state.

Oppostion to the position of abolishment of state/official religion.

But more usually just cited as an example of a very long english word. See Psuedoultrapsuedoantidisestablishmentarianism
I used to believe in antidisestablishmentarianism until I saw the House of Lords sitting.
by dave February 9, 2004
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Being against the idea of the state removing their approval, recognition and/or backing and support of an establishment such as a church.
The FAA and federal and local governments will kill more people if the current antidisestablishmentarianism continues.
by Bobweoddababyeetsaboy June 7, 2004
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The act of being stongly opposed to the act terminating an established state of affairs. Also the biggest word in the english language (excluding science-related words).
Anarchists do not believe in Antidisestablishmentairianism.
by Aaron Higgins October 28, 2002
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A belief opposing a change in the social or political establishment.
Conservatives ususally hold the belief of antidisestablishmentarianism--they don't want to change the establishment
by Jesus Christ August 23, 2004
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