the state of having a hightened sense of self, usually during an incredible experience that revives one's inner spirit
by Chastah_76 November 22, 2009
by briii23 April 13, 2009
Get the alive mug.
by BMG-1 January 15, 2003
the nickname of a player in kali
he really sucks at wc3 and was a member of a now defunct clan called bvb
he really sucks at wc3 and was a member of a now defunct clan called bvb
alive u suxor
by Pika August 5, 2003
Idris: I’ve been looking for a word. A big, complicated word, but so sad. I’ve found it now.
Doctor: What word?
Idris: Alive. I’m alive.
Doctor: Alive isn’t sad.
Idris: It’s sad when it’s over.
Doctor: What word?
Idris: Alive. I’m alive.
Doctor: Alive isn’t sad.
Idris: It’s sad when it’s over.
by thedarklordascending May 15, 2011