Overpriced, yet stylish clothing that is seen on preppy, rich kids but mostly poor kids who save up money to shop there and have but four things from there.
Get. A. Life.
Lizzy: I saved up all my birthday money, and I'm about to head up to Abercrombie and buy a shirt.

Hilary: How much money did you get?

Lizzy: Almost 130 dollars!
by Ivana Yamama February 7, 2009
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Abercrombie is a really preppy store. Some people like it, some don't. There is absolutely nothing wrong with people who shop there. I don't see why anyone should make fun of it. Preps don't make fun of goths. Why should goths make fun of preps? People who can't stand abercrombie are morons who have no lives.
I love Abercrobie! Its so preppy!
by fed up abercrombie shopper August 18, 2005
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A store that in their pictures, their models dont even wear the clothes that their trying to sell.

Very expensive.

Made fun of for being "Preppy"
"In Abercrombie, a shirt pants and belt costs like $150.00"

"Did you see That girl she was wearing abercrombie from head to toe, shes so preppy!"
by DawnyG June 12, 2008
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a store with over priced clothes that all look the same and look as if they were already worn by a person who despised their jeans. the clothing items are covered in moose shit and the store reeks of the nasty abercrombie perfume. the workers tend to be stuck up and racist.
while walking in the mall...

person#1: "i hear music....its kinda 'boom boom boom'...ew! whats that smell?"

person#2 "we just walked by abercrombie "
by iam a man April 24, 2009
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1. However generally stereotyped by those who hate the people wearing it, the store is not there for the soul purpose to rip you off or label you, but to offer a different style of clothing. 2. It's not the store with the preppy attitudes, honies, it's the person wearing it. With or without the brand, I'm sure that person would have the same shitty personality. Heck, if the store were never around and people decided to like the look of clothes in GAP, then you would have to go and put THAT store down. Get a grip! Stop hatin the store...hate the one representin'. 3. Of course, the store may have workers with snooty attitudes, but god forbid that you wear it cause you like it and maybe change a few minds about it. Putting a shirt on with a logo won't make you a different person...people just wear what they like and or what they feel comfortable in. God...I like the store for the clothes...i think they're stylish and just my taste, but i also don't like some people that i've seen wearing those clothes. That doesn't mean i'm gonna riot about it and throw a tantrum, i'm just not going to associate with those people. Abercrombie haters need to grow up, step back and realize who's being the bigger person in the situation...the one being a bitch wearing the Abercrombie shirt or the one who can't stop making a big deal about it!!!
A&F girl: Hi. my name's Lisa and I'm new here. I don't have any friends, but you seem nice. Would you mind showing me around?

Hater: Hell no! Take that shirt off and then we'll talk.

A&F girl: I didn't think my shirt would i offend you. i saw it in the window while i was shopping and thought it was cute.

Hater: so's my ass...want it?

A&F girl: sorry

Hater: screw you, bitch
by Cami March 22, 2005
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Chain of stores all over that practically everybody who's ever been outside knowns about. Pretty much advertise their clothes. Screaming "Abercrombie" on every shirt, jacket, pants, shorts and bag they've ever sold. And if it doesn't say Abercrombie, then it always prints the deer logo on the outfit. Always overpriced for nothing. If you're ever feeling slutty, just come on over to Abercrombie. They have shorts so short, makes you feel like you're just wearing lingerie. And somehow, they manage to fool all the thirteen year old girls who by their clothes from the store that probably sells 50 of the same shirt in one single store.
Brittany: OMG hi Haley! Lets go to the mall..DADDY! DRIVE US TO THE MALL AND BUY ME SOMETHING..
At the mall..
Brittany: Ok. Lets go to Abercrombie..
Haley: Totally
Brittany: Wow...love what they did to the place! I'm gonna buy this whole rack..
Clerk dude: Miss that will be 589 dollars. Thank you.
Brittany: Put it on my daddy...
Britanny's dad: You sure you want to get these? It's only three pairs of jeans, two jackets, and four shirts..pretty expensive huh?
Brittany: Oh no daddy..its top quality handmade clothes made into perfection. It is flawless and a dream come true.

Brittany is quite deluded.
by inSANE sh[a]w[n] April 27, 2008
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a store. jist like every other fucking store on the planet. who gives a shit wut everyone says if u like it shop there. it jist so happens that a lot of people that shop there have huge ass heads and are very bitchy thats all. but thats not everyone dam people have got to chill and stop hatin.
dude: i went and bought some clothes today at abercrombie
other dude: cool
by joe123456789 April 8, 2006
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