They are bisexual and bigender. They are bi-squared
by Bigenxual August 12, 2022
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James is both bisexual and bigender. James is bi-squared.
by Bigenxual August 10, 2022
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Slang used for stupid people who think they are intelligent. Sometimes, "Square AI's" follow a cult or a leader. it is likely for them to serve two at the same time.
That man is being such a Square AI. I wonder who he is serving?
by ThezMeanz March 12, 2022
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A person who follows rules and most likely has long pubes. Not to be confused with a Pukey Pube Pusher
All that virgin does is follows the rules, she's definitely a Long Haired Square.
by dan_gleewang January 4, 2021
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two brothers who will most probably f*ck you up in the gym… but you’ll thank them for it afterwards 💪🏻
You’re walking like John Wayne, you’ve been allott squared mate!
by fistbumpclub November 23, 2021
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A retard who cant keep promises and trys to act like he or she has clout usually a she, they also look like cartman from south park when he went to the special olympics
by ___—— September 22, 2018
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One girl likes one guy but she’s dating a guy, she does like that guy but it’s just two boys ugh. One can’t know and the other has to. And then there’s another one flirting with you. ITS LIKE WHAT THE?!?!
I love him, but I’m dating him, and this random dude is flirting with me, I’m in a love square.
by Fhejsjejtncjfj May 19, 2019
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