Insert your first initial. D. C.

you don't care
Tone, don't you have homework to do?

by metamorphosis May 15, 2004
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Alex: Hey, what does the D.C. in Washington D.C. stand for?
by Darkriver May 16, 2018
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Andrew is such a D.C. sometimes, like last night he licked Taylors butthole!
by Mathieu E April 23, 2017
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The movie/comic company that makes amazing comics, but terrible movies. *cough*cough* Batman V SuperMan *cough*cough*
Me: “Did you read that new D.C comic?”
My homie: “yeah, did you see that new D.C movie?”
Me: “Yeah it’s Shit!”
My homie, “Yeah you’re right!”
by MarvelLover69 January 14, 2021
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I didn’t shower for three days so when I rolled back the foreskin, there was hella D.C. in it
by Onbruv April 5, 2020
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Electronics; Direct Current;
Electrical current which flows in one direction in a circuit.

D.C. current is used to power electronic circuits due to many of the components such as diodes, transistors and I.C. (Intergrated Circuit) chips which can only function properly with D.C. current.

Geography; Washington D.C.
District of Columbia
CHILD: "Why does the keyboard have a larger plug than the lamp?"
BOFFIN: "Because that bitch-assed mutha-fuckin' plug got some A.C. to D.C. convertin' to do, and those fat bitch assed components needed to do that need mo' SPACE! That's why."

PILGRIM: "What does the D.C. in Washington D.C. stand for?"
FONT OF ALL KNOWLEDGE: "You travelled 12,542.7651 miles and climbed a 2,782.957611 foot high Himalayan mountain to ask me, the Font of All Knowledge THAT?! It means District of Columbia! Now go!!!"
by Stuart Fletcher February 22, 2005
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