by DankedMeme September 22, 2020
by I, Wreckerrr July 22, 2021
A sentence used by hackers saying they have swatted you and to watch your door being broken down by a swat guy.
by TheKiwiFruit October 30, 2013
by Mustang Driver! April 28, 2010
by Downstrike May 30, 2004
by Corvetteforlife July 20, 2006
A the most stupid and most useless advertisements that is seen on Urban Dictionary and many other websites.
Person 1: These ads I see on the web looks so boring and dumb.
Person 2: Which ads?
Person 1: The ones that talk about wrap a rubber band around your door.
Person 2: Which ads?
Person 1: The ones that talk about wrap a rubber band around your door.
by MST3K I like November 28, 2020