Life sucks , then you die.But first life rapes you up the ass and slits your throat and leaves you to die.Then a gang comes along and beats the fuck out of you and takes your wallet.Then you get ran over repeatedly by a garbage truck.Then liberals tell you to be more sensitive.And then , if your lucky , you die.
Life's a bitch and she's back in heat...yup.. life sucks and then you die ...
by broken down March 4, 2007
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The cold, hard truth. That and 42.
Example I-
Person 1: "Man...why is everything so complicated and difficult?"

Person 2: "No one knows man....all we know is life sucks and then you die. That and 42."

Example II- (subtle version)
Person 1: "This is effing retarded!"

Person 2: "Don't worry, you'll die sooner or later."
by lukewarmocha October 7, 2010
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One Hell of an amazing quote frim one hell of an amazing person! Used when in a real shity mood on a real shity day. quote speaks the truth, shit happens you get pissed, you 'll get over it eventually, this odviously happens a lot in life, so people get over it, cause eventually you'll die and it'll be all good!
DramaFreak:" You know what, everyone must hate me right know cause it seems like there all being ass holes."
DancingQueen:"Life's a Bitch and Then You Die".
by DramaFreak March 16, 2008
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A crack-filled fandom role playing game on livejournal that is made of win. Populated mainly by characters from anime/manga, Joss Whedon shows, superhero comics, the occasional movie or novel, and also purple gorillas, toucans, tentacle monsters, zombies, bizarre plants, audience hecklers, sadistic sentient laptops, and viruses that made you turn into things. And sex, alcohol, refined sugar, and tampons are banned, but that doesn't stop the badtouching.

Audeince: Hi, welcome to Camp Fuck You Die, would you like some involuntary marriage and bodyswitching with that brain-rape? XDDD

Ninja: ...

by theotherjoey December 8, 2006
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The same thing as YOLO, as in always try do something once.

Often used by confused Dutch, who are getting the TV show mixed up.
I’ve never dated an asian guy before”
“Oh my god, always once! Try before you die, right!?”
by owe1ner July 8, 2020
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a phrase(used usualy in anger) expressed towards a dumb ass hole,who realy deserves it.
Lucas you are so gay i hope you die!
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