an individual who is not motivated with little to no desirable qualities for either a mate or employers. Yet have a strong sense of entitlement and delusions of grandeur.
The Xander students refuses to study and expects to receive a good result.
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An individual who is not motivated with little to no desirable qualities for either a mate or employers. Yet have a strong senses of entitlements and delusions of grandeur.
The Xander students refuses to study and expects to receive a good result.
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verb: Commonly uses for someone who sneezes and falls off the stage. Generally onto elderly people or babies.
Person 1:"Did you hear how Rihanna Xandered at the superbowl."

Person 2: "Was there any casualties?"

Person 1: " Yeah she fell on my grandpa and then he fell on to my great cousin's second half-daughter, half-dolphin's 8 month, 2 week, 4 day child."
by NotMe000 February 14, 2023
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a fine mf🙏🏿

i love you xander. you mean the absolute world to me.

wow. xander is so fine. oh my god.
by do828272 December 7, 2022
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Xander is a person who is quite shy has dark humor but is really funny and cool when you got to know him. If you're a girl you'll definitely want to get to know a Xander. He is also very trustworthy and understanding. The name Xander comes from Alexander like in Alexander the Great.
Huh, Xander seems really shy without a reason.

Don't worry every Xander is shy but he's really cool and funny!
by ARUBAAN August 22, 2018
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Xander is a furry.
Jon: You know that Xander kid?
Luke: Yeah?
Jon: He's such a furry!
by jonrochford November 15, 2022
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Xander is amazing and fit
I saw Xander today
by Fern.xx December 6, 2020
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