by Dream Anderson June 15, 2007
by smertieboi February 22, 2019
wtf why cant i write a definition i had to write htat out becuase it wouldnet let me submit ot othewise
by liam says poppy has 37 cs April 27, 2020
gay, no life, no girl or boy, no genitals, 40 year olds who havent gone through puberty yet, bitches
you the "people who write stupid definitions for the name andrew"
by andrew bridenbaker October 3, 2008
The WORST people on Urban Dictionary, even worse than that of the Urban Dicks. Just like the title says, these people want to reaffirm themselves or people that they like by writing definitions for their names.
Guy 1: Jessica is awesome I am gonna write a definition for her.
Guy 2: Fuck you. You are one of those People Who Write Definitions For Someone's Name!
Guy 2: Fuck you. You are one of those People Who Write Definitions For Someone's Name!
by FRICKO MODE May 31, 2022
When you are looking through definitions people have wrote for the Urban Dictionary and you see one so terribly disgusting you have to click the Keep Out button 180,000 times
If I had a dollar for everytime I just clicked the Keep Out button I could raise a child. Who the actual fuck writes these Urban Dictionary definitions?!
by I'm A Fucking Unicorn June 15, 2016
you are lonely. You are probably assuring yourself that you have friends and an interesting personality. You will probably go back and look at your name's definition you wrote and pretend someone else wrote it for you. Maybe you will suggest searching names to your friends, and stumble across the one you wrote, and have it be "scarily" true. Good luck. It gets better.
writing your own name's definition for urban dictionary is what you do on a friday with no friends around.
by jakehatesrakes January 14, 2015