Key: "How was that delicious mayonnaise pie last night?"
Peele: "Wordness to the Turdness!"
by Pubeypie August 31, 2021
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A pejorative term applied to the unacceptable words and phrases submitted to Urban Dictionary.
Surfuckingprise, another word turd just came down the chute from that hyperlexical “genius,” Dr Bunnygirl.
by Dr Bunnygirl August 11, 2019
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A word turd is a novel way of saying 'essay'

Use with 'squeezing out a' for maximum effect
Dude 1: 'Dude are you coming out for something to eat tonight?'

Dude 2: 'Nah sorry, I'm squeezing out a word turd for tomorrow...'

by Fishaah November 16, 2010
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not being able to get words out; like being constipated, but with words.
Dude 1: Dude, spit it out!

Dude 2: Sorry Dude, I just had a word turd
by haramb3 November 24, 2016
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