A word is something what someone says. For example. Glad is a word. There ae different kind of words such as nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.
by cool dictionary nerd June 16, 2023
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it is a way of allowing a person to go kill himself as the person wastes some of his time trying to reason out what the hell 'word' means.
"What is the meaning of the word 'word'?"
by "Not my real name" February 18, 2018
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A word is made my letters, and using letters you structure some magical shit which is now words.
Word mainly having a meaning, you make sentences out of them. Words can be abused in many ways.

Now some people would consider this an word if they are a professional dumbass "skkasdjhfkjhasffsadk"

How is that not a word? It's simple doesn't mean anything.

Now where can I use words? Just fucking type or say something.
sAY thE MaGiCAl woRD!!!!

Did you just insult me with your cringy words?
by Humanoid words! February 20, 2022
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