
When everyone is acting normal and then it happens... the whenning and everyone shakes their heads in dismay.
Oh there he goes again, whenning and laughing at his own joke.
by TnargNoslo April 2, 2019
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when the when

me the when the when is the is the when the when
person 1:"do u is am yes"
person2:"me when the when"
by me nub May 1, 2021
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When The

When The
When The
by InaudibleJet May 17, 2020
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when the

Person 1: when the
Person 2: what
by name.jpeg August 17, 2021
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The kiwi classic when is what you say to someone when they start telling a story or inform you about something when you havent asked.. when is commonlying followed with "did I ask?"
Jeff:"did you know that I got an A+ in my test...
Jeff:"last week"
Ronald:"did I ask"

Jeff:"did you know that I got an A+ in my test...
Ronald:"when did i ask"
by WhenDidIAsk June 21, 2017
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by CassyBoi May 14, 2021
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