An implicit way of saying, "I will never challenge authority because I am incapable of non-state-managed thought. I believe everything the mainstream narrative tells me no matter how ridiculous, illogical, or false, including that there are a million genders out there for you to choose." People will usually cringe when they're asked this question and will think of ways to end the conversation ASAP and never talk to this deranged espouser of propaganda ever again.
Woke NPC: What are your pronouns?

Someone who's smart: Are you retarded?
by bruh 🙂 June 14, 2023
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The new fashionable way of asking for somebody's gender. Not only is it great for trans and genderfluid people, but it's also much more non-offensive than simply straight up asking if they're a guy or a girl. You will have a much higher probability of knowing the other person's gender (typically an internet stranger) if you ask it this way.
Stranger 1: Guy or girl?
Stranger 2: I prefer not to say.

Stranger 1: What are your pronouns?
Stranger 2: She/they!
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