Phrase used to describe a situation or place that by all objective measures, sucks, but can be made less sucky by luck or hard work. Makes you wholly responsible for your attitude.
by Sven Winkle March 30, 2011
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A cliche of debatable validity.

On one side, this phrase may be seen to be reassuring, allowing a person to accept the ills of their life, whatever those might be, with grace, knowing that with effort, or wisdom, those ills can be surmounted, or even changed into something positive.

On the other side, this meaning can be seen to be irrelevant; the phrase ultimately becomes empty, asking a person to acquiesce to, in the form of the acceptance of "the good with the bad", the ill of the modern world in any or all of its forms.
Torture Victim 1: Life is what you make it. They cut off our hands. At least we don't need 'em to eat with. No food tonight.
by little67112 April 12, 2011
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An amazing song written by the British boyband One Direction. It is their first single.
"Jesus Christ, 'what makes you beautiful' is amazing."
by Onedirectioninfectioner August 14, 2011
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If thats what makes you sleep at night- Commonly used phrase to make peers nearby laugh. But mainly it means what your trying to say is impossible and would never happen.
Other Kid: "Yeah if thats what makes you sleep at night."
Other kids: "BHAHHAH"
by Marztav January 10, 2009
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A phrase to describe that things that don't kill you such as
Words, Idiotic Jokes, Hurtful Phrases, Bullies,
Idiots from the Internet

which can hurt someone inside but dont actually kill them

Makes you feel a stronger person inside because you learn to ignore them and move on with your life.
"You're an idiot..."

"What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger."

by StokeOnTrent June 8, 2012
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Nothing. You're all just worthless shit. I don't have to do or be anything to be better than all of you.
Hym "What makes you extraordinary? Welp... Not a worthless YouTube parasite.... Not a retard... Not a woman... It don't take much but it's already too late for some of you. You should kill yourselves immediately. Or kill some kids. Just no that no one will care if you kill yourself and if you kill the kids at least one person will be happy about it."
by Hym Iam October 3, 2024
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