Weird bitches will request ur Instagram 10+ times, EVEN when u delete it
“That weird bitch won’t stop requesting my Instagram

“She’s such a weird bitch”
by Thatonecoolassbitch November 23, 2018
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Weird~jaden and mf perry
sentence: bro yo ass jaden( weird bitch) asf gtf-
Sentence: mfs be perry(weird bitch) asf but always want some shit
by i was here love bug May 17, 2020
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A guy who always act like a bitch and a weirdo about every little thing, or someone who has no type of loyalty or backbone for anyone but themselves and always complains about somebody but never thinks about if he’s the problem.
Example; Brandon is such a weird bitch ass mf, he always cheats on his wife but then gets mad at her when she catches him or confronts him. How manipulative.
by 12345688 January 10, 2021
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A weird girl with long black hair. dresses funkay, and likes the emo music.
Aimee is an emo goth weird bitch.
by mike d nigga May 2, 2008
Get the emo goth weird bitch mug. is a weird bitch who needs to change his poopy diaper and grow tf up
by wwh3$ July 10, 2024
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