Wednesday Night Drinks.
Going out for drinks on a Wednesday night. Maybe the best of all ND's. Very popular among expats and those who work with expats, since expats regularly go home on Friday.

also see:

X: Are you joining us for WND?

Y: No, I'm going to the gym.

X: What is that with you and Jim lately?

Y: Haha...
by Milanifan September 15, 2010
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Created by lily mapanya ig: @lilyeleanorrr it is a word that means Would Not Dare, meaning you wouldn’t do it
John: I’ve just been to choir

Lily: WND that’s embarrassing
by TheKid211 February 5, 2020
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WhAt NiGgA DoInG
by Bbbbbbbnbbbnnbbbb November 30, 2019
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Weird Nigga Disease (WND) is a chronic disease that is treatable, yet uncurable. Symptoms include weirdness, itchy dick, and destiny to be a virgin.
“Damn, this nigga must have Weird Nigga Disease (WND).”
by SSG Ginobli July 3, 2019
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WND, you can’t stop my wave.
by EronDaDon January 12, 2023
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