In a spiritual context, someone who believes that love is universal (exists in extraterrestrials, throughout the universe)-not just man-made and that the point in life is to spread love to these beings.
(e.g: God and many starseeds are universalists: They believe in spreading universal love to many beings, throughout the universe).
by Diana_Lucius_De_Collis April 23, 2023
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One who genuinely empathizes with others who belong to a certain religion.
Tim: Man, I can't stand those damned Jews! They gonna drive me crazy!
Brad: Yeah, why can't they all be Universalists?
by bradisgreat13 June 29, 2013
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A person who practices Unitarian Universalism, usually amazingly awesome.

abbriviated as UU
Man: So um what are you?
Girl: Unitarian Universalist, duh
Man: oh I should've known, your fucking awesome.
by Juan Pablo135 July 29, 2006
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Unitarian Universalists, or UU, is a religion that follows seven basic principals.

1 )The inherent worth and dignity of every person;
2) Justice, equity and compassion in human relations;
3) Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations;
4) A free and responsible search for truth and meaning;
5) The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large;
6)The goal of world community with peace, liberty and justice for all;
7)Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.

Unitarians are open to other religion and seek to find their own truth and meaning in the world. Its is a very liberal religion. Unitarians are a very active supporting matters of abolition of slavery, women's rights , equal rights, same-sex marriage, the environment, global peace, darfur, homelessness and much more.

the Unitarian youth benefit from it just as much if not more because of their freedom to explore their spirituality without rules on what is the truth.

Basically its loving and amzing.
FRED: I'm jewish, you?
JOE: I'm a unitarian universalist ,or a UU.
Fred: what's that?
JOE: Let me give you my elevator speech, but basically I'm in a congregation that supports that the search for truth and meaning.
by jane doe345 July 11, 2008
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a really amazing person who is Unitarian Universalist. usually awesome, liberal, open minded and can give wicked good hugs.
-hey whats your religion?
-I'm a uu, unitarian universalists
-oh sweet lets cuddle!!

by janedoe1234565 February 23, 2009
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A religion that celebrates the free spirit and individual thought. Members can believe in pretty much whatever they want to. <3 The members create a loving, kind, generous, and free community.
Unitarian Universalist (UU) 1: 'I believe that there is a God.'
UU2: 'Oh that's cool bro, I don't.'
UU1: 'Sweet. Lets go light the chalice.'
UU2: 'I'm down for that! Lets grab some pizza too.'
by Livvie290 November 2, 2011
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Universalism refers to a culture based on individualism, which places importance on individual values such as Power, Achievement, Hedonism and Stimulation

Treating others as individuals with respect for other cultures, beliefs and other ways of doing things.

This is not the same as a collectivist culture.
Peace is fostered by a "Universalist Culture"
by KatKnight September 6, 2014
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