The majestic creature that some would call the greatest quarterback of all time, but we all know that ain't the case. However, he may just be the greatest runningback of all time.
The Uncoordinated Sphinx caught a touchdown pass from The Lampost. He truely is the GOAT runningback.
by Lazarbeam's bot January 2, 2017
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Someone who is slow in the head and doesn’t know how to process correctly
Wow, my boss is uncoordinative so I quit my job
by Tyler Field July 1, 2021
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When someone slips in the middle of a dance battle and you need a quick insult, or when someone slips in general. When someone trips when walking ot falls flat on their face.
by NataliMarie November 11, 2020
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Someone who acts like Trinity Nevin, they are not coordinated in any human way possible
I dropped my water bottle. Oh no now I'm like Trinity Nevin. I suffer from uncoordination.
by Uncoordinated unicorn girl March 14, 2019
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