
A GOATed game where you kill many things its like doom but better. The community is mostly made up of horny femboi's
Guy 1: Bro i love ultrakill its so fun
Guy 2: NOOOOOOO don't play it you'll be come a femboy
Guy 1: Wait weally :3
by Hornyfemboy March 24, 2023
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a robot with little armor and a red color scheme, with the ability to bounce light off of a mirror, except that mirror is a coin and the light is a bullet from a revolver. V2 shares a resemblance to its younger brother V1 who mimics all of his moves, so good luck beating him... that is... if you can even see him.
p1 "yo wtf is that over there?" P2 "HOLY MOTHER OF SHIT THATS V2 ULTRAKILL!!!"
by neonvr6266 June 3, 2023
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ultrakill user

the definition of "Ultrakill user" is vague however our researchers have found the definition.
"Ultrakill user" is a type of person with brain damage/clinically insane, usually found around your local gun range doing dumb combos with their guns, often banned form the range form hurting a person with their "marksmen" revolver. P-ranked every level including the prime sanctum levels, and usually over 100 hours in ULTRAKILL. always has a pile of coins with them.
bro you are such an ultrakill user, you spend too much time in the game.
why are you trying to P-rank P-2, you are such an ultrakill user.
by JuanC4 May 20, 2023
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A meme reference to the game "Ultrakill", where a character named Minos Prime says that you should commit die.
This line is not actually said in-game.
by Dreiasaiy April 1, 2023
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To Ultrakill is to do something fast, stylish, and brutal. Like the game.
You gotta ultrakill that test man!
I just ultrakilled that hoe!
by pro raceist May 12, 2024
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'Ultrakill' is a video game made in 2020 created but game developer Arsi Patala. It is a massive game on steam

and a great game overall. It has fun mechanics and allat shit
Do you like maurice from ultrakill?
yea sure
by i play with my balls November 21, 2024
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