1. (U)nprotected (G)ay (B)utt (S)ex

2. A bad choice.
1. That guy just had some ugbs, what a faggot!

2. Chris: wanna ugbs?
Scott: sure!
by OwnageFactor October 10, 2006
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Richard: The inside of your ass feels amazing against my unprotected penis. I'm so glad we decided to have UGBS instead of using a condom!

Damon: And your unprotected penis feels fantastic when it pounds against the walls of my inner anus. This feels even better than the UGBS that gave me aids!
by ShyGuySays April 27, 2007
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Richard: The inside of your ass feels amazing against my unprotected penis. I'm so glad we decided to have UGBS instead of using a condom!

Damon: And your unprotected penis feels fantastic when it pounds against the walls of my inner anus. This feels even better than the UGBS that gave me aids!
by PowBlocks May 20, 2007
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Asking someone if they have any marijuana on them, most likely asking for purchase or to partake in the hobby.
"yo man ugb?"
"yeah i got that weed"
by gregga k April 9, 2007
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When someone on line says something gay you reply with "You Gay Bro!!" or UGB.
Bill: I just got these seaters half price today!!

Jim: UGB !!
by KarlSti April 29, 2007
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Thomas: Damn, Fernandy's a UGB son.
Drew: Hell yeah, why doesn't he just come out.
by TheLordship July 18, 2011
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Usually refers to someone who is a gossiper, cant shut up, is ugly, annoying, and a user.
Allie, "Gosh he is soooo annoying and cant shut up!"

Daisy, "I know! He is such an UGB!"

by carloksmith April 18, 2010
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