Your mom and I were watching the History Channel last night and we got heated and I ended up U-boating her ass!
by Thought Monkey July 8, 2010
by IrishRepublicanArmy December 21, 2003
this is the name of drink, mostly use in poland. put short-drink (wet) of vodka into your glass of beer and drink it all in very short time
by qwertyswertly December 30, 2005
by Taylor Hewitt October 26, 2004
by The Blodger October 28, 2011
A long and sturdy albeit plastic turd that bends in a U plugging the toilet when the moment off truth arrives.
by delmarskd! October 20, 2011
Large continuous dump shaped like a German WW2 submarine. Usually occurs the morning after a night of numerous beers followed by a curry
by Jimmy Somerville March 7, 2008