Used to describe a person who gives blowjobs in a public glory hole
Damn that Canadian dude over there is a trayvon vert.
by skimuncher February 6, 2018
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A type of internet parasite responsible for running memes and internet trends dead in to the ground. This type of individual exists solely to seek profit from meme theft and distribution of fellatio and anal sex. They can be identified in person by their Emo appearance, weak stature, and extreme homosexual tendencies. They are to be avoided whenever possible
Person 1 - “Hey that manlet just gave me head and stole my phone. He’s now posting all my memes online without crediting me.”

Person 2 - “Oh, you must’ve ran in to a Trayvon Vert.”
by 8-Ball Biggums February 6, 2018
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Guy 1: hey you know that unfunny normie Trayvon Vert that steals all of his memes from /r/dankmemes and tries to make money off of them?
Guy 2: NOPE
by Traytray February 6, 2018
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A gay emo meme snapchatter who cannot get girls for his life
look at “trayvon vert” today. he looks so emo.
by nigerfgt420 February 6, 2018
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A little kid that steals memes and makes emo posts.
Did you just trayvon vert Daquan?

Yeah man i totally stole his meme then cried about it.
by Namedplayer February 6, 2018
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A person whom'st is just popular enough to be defined on Urban Dictionary.
"I've heard that sarah has just become Trayvon vert"
by Enzo_sennin February 6, 2018
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