N / A. A word that is used to describe a gold-digger. A person who is attracted to something for its amount of items or money.
1. Bitch be travin'
2. Dude, shes traving on you.
3. Shes such a trave.
4. I think you just got traved.
5. Shes one travin bitch alright.
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A YouTuber who is completely wholesome and deserves an award.
Guy- who's Traves
Guy 2- he is wholesomeness himself.
by chipycyhochuo678 May 8, 2020
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An asshole with bad breath who says negative things about everything no matter what.
"Hey Traves, you want to sign my year book?"
"No, I have to get chicken."

"Look how much better these apartments are then yours, they have bigger balconies and face the lake"
"Okay traves"
by BroRwn September 16, 2007
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A personality when you are high. Mostly pertaining to high pitched dolphin noises,bitching,and smoking everybody’s stash and complaining how trash it is.
This nigga pissing me off imma jump his ass.

Nah bro leave him alone he’s all traved out.

Y’all see dat nigga over there smoking everybody shit bumin ass. He must be traved out.
by Gotdamnskittles March 11, 2019
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jhi, i bought myself some traves got borgar at mcdonalrds tofay
by ofrfr October 12, 2020
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