Feeling entranced, as if by a spell. A positively-disoriented state of mind/being/feeling, resulting from falling in love or feeling exceptionally strong vibes between one-another.
I met this AMAZING girl, who is so down to earth, listens to EVERYTHING I have to say & replies to every thing that I say with her own, positive, loving thoughts. She’s got me feeling so trancy.
by MRYsbux May 31, 2018
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Disorder in which there is a long-term pattern of abnormal behavior characterized by exaggerated feelings of self-importance, an excessive need for admiration, and a lack of understanding of others' feelings. People affected by it often spend a lot of time thinking about achieving power or success, or about their appearance. They often take advantage of the people around them. The behavior typically begins by early adulthood, and occurs across a variety of situations.
Trancy was left without an act once her puppet cut it's strings
by Revenge09 July 6, 2017
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n. Any object that is used to hide something legitimatly ugly.
v. To hide or cover up
1. I need a trancy for my pudgy belly.
2. I use makeup to trancy my acne.
by TracyL March 23, 2006
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Jenna: oh look at this boi
Feferi: Oh he must be Alois Trancy
by Kriskrossllama June 30, 2018
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1. An adorable SINnamon roll with a depressing, tragic, disturbing past that you probably do not wish to know, and if I you do, you DEEPLY regret knowing.

2. A person who commonly likes to wear a coat and "booty shorts".
Alois Trancy has "problems" because of past trauma, that formed him into what he is now, an adorable DEAD teenager that was a "BIT" of a little bloody jerk.
by Finnian is a kawaii boyo March 16, 2020
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1. A bethren who usually prefers to wear bootyshorts and a coat in the morning.

2. Angelic perfection.
"You are such an Alois Trancy." Claude complimented, admiration visible in his tone and usually cold eyes. "Yeah!" Ciel agreed, wanting nothing more but to kiss the perfect boy right in front of him. "Oh, you both are too kind." Alois gushed, growing red in the face.
by Hello Kitty Fack January 19, 2017
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