A catchy yet awful song that you just cant't get outta ur head, even after hearing it played just once.

"This song really gets on my nerves and still...!...this is fuckin tortune"
by its_aks November 11, 2005
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The last song that you have heard which is spontaneously and annoyingly playing in your head: LAST SONG SYNDROME
n. tortune
vb.tortune, -ed, have --ed.
Samson Playing
B1: Man that song's great...
B2: No. It gives me LSS.
B1: LSS is out man...You are tortuned by it...
by Hotnail kickers July 31, 2009
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When the Dr. McGillicuddy’s last word on the bottom of the bottle looks like a T instead of an F
Fuck u Aaron it says Tortune
by Randythechickenman October 20, 2019
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