Tide pod

A delicious snack perfect for any occasion.
Girl: Hey did you hear Sam's having a party?
Guy: Pfft gay. I'm not going.
Girl: But he's got tide pods and--
Guy: Get the keys.
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Tide pod

Something you shouldn't eat.

The picture is of a person who ate a tide pod.
by Inquisitive Walnut October 23, 2018
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Tide pod

I shoved that tide pod into my mouth and then got a tingling sensation
by Kid lover69 January 22, 2018
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Tide pod

A delicious snack that is healthy and totally not deadly
Stick it in butt or mouth just like cock but it’s a tide pod
by Kid lover69 January 22, 2018
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Tide pod

Something dumb 13 year old hormoinal, pubesant teens film eating because they believe that they are cool and can get some.
John:"Dude, I just ate a Tide pod.
Phillip:" You dead."
by .A.A.A. February 19, 2018
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