A score is 20. Threescore is 60. Traditionally people were allotted "threescore years and ten" of life, i.e. 3 × 20 + 10 = 70 years.
He lived to be threescore and twelve. Overrunning his allotment by two years.
by SSSLiPkid August 12, 2016
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The term used to ask for 3 2g bags of weed
Hello nathaniel could you ask your sister if u left my threescore in her room or shall i have to phone bartholomew the dealer
by 619damndevine August 1, 2016
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When you get to score a threesome with two other people.
Person 1: Hey, where were you last night?
Person 2: Oh I threescored last night so I was back at my place.
by Grunkemonster August 1, 2016
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Scoring three goals in quick succession.
Did you see the game last night? LeBron James threescored within the first minute!
by Ericonator August 5, 2016
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