The space between a woman's (especially a younger woman's) thighs. This is particularly visible wearing clothing or swimsuits such as bikinis. This most commonly occurs due to being skinny and in good shape. However, contrary popular belief, this can also (kind of) occur when someone has large hip bones.
by TheKingofDragons February 18, 2015
A beautiful shape from great dna and/or exercise, NOT as the liberal media (pandering to hysterical fat women) label 'thin and unhealthy' which actually means IN GREAT SHAPE.
by DNA Cowboy December 10, 2015
The horizontal distance between the inner thighs of a female, right below the vagina. It is universally considered to be the best measure of a girl's sex appeal. The wider the gap, the thinner and more fit a girl is, and as such more desirable. If you lack a gap, don't fret, twerking will have a comparable effect in attracting men.
I was creeping girls in the lululemon store today, you would not believe the thigh gaps I saw... If you put them end to end, you'd have enough gap to reach the moon!
by Bottle Slut February 6, 2015
A gap between a person's thighs caused by either extreme malnorishment, and unfortunately, anorexia, or by wider hips or a slightly out turned pelvis. This has become a coveted look for many young women.
"I'm really jealous of her thigh gap"
*PLEASE NOTE: If you do not have a thigh gap, your chances of getting one are practically impossible. Trying to modify your bone structure or extreme dieting can lead to PARALYSIS OR DEATH. *
*PLEASE NOTE: If you do not have a thigh gap, your chances of getting one are practically impossible. Trying to modify your bone structure or extreme dieting can lead to PARALYSIS OR DEATH. *
by Big "G" February 12, 2015
by slumberjack February 9, 2015
by Ldheksnbe January 20, 2019
1)The stupidest trend to occur to our society
2)A 2+finger gap between each thigh when knees are put together
-Usually occurs when someone does the act of starving themselves
*If you have one,eat a vegetarian pizza or something*
2)A 2+finger gap between each thigh when knees are put together
-Usually occurs when someone does the act of starving themselves
*If you have one,eat a vegetarian pizza or something*
by Sense of smart April 24, 2017