n: The sexual act of taking a popsicle, sticking it in a lady’s anus; inserting your penis inside her vagina and trying to feel the cold popsicle through the perineum membrane.
M: “You want to spice things up tonight? I’m been wanting to try the ghost’s finger for a while”

W: “ As long as it’s not too cold for me too!”
by Bendazan May 10, 2022
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When you intentionally maim yourself so that you lose permanent feeling in your finger for the sake of better anal stimulation.
My girlfriend was out of town for the week, so I had to give myself the ol' Ghost Finger.
by RadDadjokes August 20, 2018
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Ghost fingers - when fingering a mot with long slender fingers and/or the precision of a ninja that she doesn't even know it happened
dicko - "aw man, bumpin' and grindin' this bird and i used ghost fingers like a champ, she hadn't a clue"
by ghost fingers prime July 1, 2013
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The act of raising your left arm and extending your middle finger as in "the finger" or the middle finger (as in giving someone the (middle) finger or the bird or flipping someone off) as an obscene hand gesture reversed (over your left shoulder) whilst riding your illegal Electric Bike faster than the legal speed limit in the UK and triggering a Speed Camera so it captures you Ghost Riding (see Ghost Rider's definitions) and giving the Police "the finger" in the captured Police evidence.
I love to do Ghost Fingering to the Police Gatso Camera when I Ghost Ride past above the legal speed limit on my illegal Electric Bike.
by EAPC Ghost Rider July 11, 2020
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The urge one gets to move their fingers while watching someone else play guitar for Rock Band or Guitar Hero.
Mike: Dude what is up with your fingers, why are they randomly moving?

Dude: Well Mike i currently have ghost fingers because Joe is nailing Wonderwall on Rock Band.
by pens8771 March 16, 2009
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The ash that remains at the end of a burning cigarette.
He smoked the entire cigarette without ashing. The ghost finger was the longest I had ever seen.
by G Puff June 14, 2007
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The act of using your right arm and extending your middle finger as in "the finger" or the middle finger (as in giving someone the (middle) finger or the bird or flipping someone off) as an obscene hand gesture but staying at a horizontal angle (much like a Sieg Heil but winding in and out your middle finger keeping your other fingers closed) whilst Ghost Riding past people and Police on your illegal Electric Bike thus giving the Police "the finger" Ghost style not like the Queen Mother who did this with all four fingers (Royal Finger Wave).
I love to give people and the Police a Ghost Finger Wave whilst I Ghost Ride.
by EAPC Ghost Rider July 11, 2020
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