by Jess December 21, 2003
An operation headed by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, started in 2009. The ATF thought rather than arresting gun smugglers, they'd let the guns roam free like cattle, allowing smuggling to continue, gambling it would lead them to cartel bosses. Instead they lost track of over 2,000 guns which has been been linked to numerous murders in the US and Mexico.
This failure of an operation ironically later led to the deaths of US Border Patrol and and ATF agents.
This failure of an operation ironically later led to the deaths of US Border Patrol and and ATF agents.
Gun smuggler 1: Yo, that Fast and Furious thing was great. It made millions.
Gun smuggler 2: You mean that movie?
Gun smuggler 1: No, that stupid plan to get cartel bosses off the street. They let me to sell this 9mm to the guy down the street in hopes it would lead them to 'bigger fish'
Gun smuggler 2: You mean that movie?
Gun smuggler 1: No, that stupid plan to get cartel bosses off the street. They let me to sell this 9mm to the guy down the street in hopes it would lead them to 'bigger fish'
by Gaypotato December 8, 2011
A failed covert gun-running operation under the Obama administration and Eric Holder, which resulted in lost and missing assault weapons that ended up in the hands of Mexican criminals. Many Mexican citizens and a U.S. border patrol were subsequently murdered by criminals with these weapons.
Brushed off by leftists, moonbats, the Obama administration and Obamabots as another "fake" or "phony" scandal in their continued trend of failed leadership and not accepting responsibility for anything.
Brushed off by leftists, moonbats, the Obama administration and Obamabots as another "fake" or "phony" scandal in their continued trend of failed leadership and not accepting responsibility for anything.
Maria and her son Ceasar were murdered by drug dealers in Mexico today. It was discovered that the weapons used in the murders were more of those from the failed Fast and Furious operation, tragically.
by juanjuanjuan January 15, 2014
so they always shorten fast and furious so the 9th one is F9
i’m just planing ahead but a large group of people are going to be offended by the 12th one
i’m just planing ahead but a large group of people are going to be offended by the 12th one
fast and furious
by hey buddy 111 June 6, 2021
by Db_Legend May 4, 2022
ONE OF THE SADDEST MOVIES EVER MADE. with the one of the worst actors ever Vin Deisel.It was used for TRICKING LITTLE BOYS INTO THINKING THERE 1990 HONDA DX OR ANY BOTTOM FEADER ECONO SHIT BOX IS A FUCKING RACE CAR ! ALSO buy putting stickers and a Fart cannon thy think they can do the quarter mile in 5 seconds lol!! usually they are a hatchbacks or have 4 doors of geekness. See ricers and fart cannons ! and posers.Laughed at by real tuners and Muscle car owners or any kind of gear head ! They also often have ganster rap being played by a bunch of white kids... see wigger or fuck stains.
I just saw the "FAST AND FURIOUS" dog and wow home boy I own a race car, That car "G Ma" handed me down is the shit yo lol.... Tis so fast I should put a roll cage in it mofo ! you know 19 seconds of street beast. no what I am saying,I am going to PeP boys or Wal-Mart to buy a fart can and race sticker to change it from a DX to a type R dog !it will give me an extra 1000 hp for real. my civic is da bomb yo ... might get a Naws kit to for real! Guys in electric wheel chairs look out, I will run your ass down you so slow.
by laughs at ricers September 10, 2008
by jordan pollard May 31, 2008