When you have perfected The Goat, from the front you will look like you have female genitalia. The Transformer is when you have someone looking at your false vagina and you open up your legs so your junk swings out and therefore transforms.
The Transformer, see above
by Balsonio Chin January 15, 2009
A term usually used in reference to the Transporter, starring Jason Statham. It is used purposely to show that you don't care about this movie at all and that it's very terrible.
"Yo, motha fucka did you see that brand damn god shit motha fuckin bomb ass movie starring that bald nigga with all the ex-motha damn fuckin-splosions?"
"You mean The Transformer?"
"Nah Nigga."
"You mean The Transformer?"
"Nah Nigga."
by Trickssssss May 11, 2009
A fetish concerning the changing of a being (human or otherwise) into something different, such as an animal or a car. People with this fetish get turned on by pornography revolving around said behaviours.
Bob: I found FurAffinity in your browser history, Jim. I never knew you were into transformation porn...
Jim: For pete's sake, stop looking! You'll get traumatized by the NSFW stuff!
Jim: For pete's sake, stop looking! You'll get traumatized by the NSFW stuff!
by E hates Q July 27, 2019
A line of toy robots from the 1980s, made by merging two existing Japanese toylines (Diaclone and Microman) together. Divided into two factions, the Autobots (good) and Decepticons (evil) fought each other endlessly in the TV show and comics that followed. They had the ability to change into various items, mainly vehicles. Their toyline, unlike other 80s toys, continued to be popular in various incarnations through the 1990s and have enjoyed a greater resurgence today due to the popularity of 80s nostalgia.
by M. Wiesner Jr. March 3, 2005
A toy line that was launched in 1984, robotic humanoid characters that could transform into vehicles and other objects such as semis or boomboxes. Their slogan was "more than meets the eye".
A TV show was launched the same year. The show featured pretty nifty writing for its time. Revolved around battling robot races from the planet Cybertron, the Autobots (good guys) and Decepticons (bad guys). They eventually crash-landed on earth and continued their battle for objects called "Energon Cubes", which were the power source for all transformers. The Autobots, led by Optimus Prime, were aided by human teenager Spike and his father Sparkplug (yep, those were their names) in their many battles against the Decepticons, led by Megatron. Your basic classic story of good vs. evil.
Also spawned an animated feature in the late 80s, featuring the death of Optimus Prime, and his resurrection in season 3.
Spawned various spin-offs such as "Beast Wars", "Transformers Armada", and "Transformers: Cybertron". But the best is the original.
A live-action feature film is coming in July 2007, under the direction of Michael Bay, which, depending on your taste in movies, could go either way.
A TV show was launched the same year. The show featured pretty nifty writing for its time. Revolved around battling robot races from the planet Cybertron, the Autobots (good guys) and Decepticons (bad guys). They eventually crash-landed on earth and continued their battle for objects called "Energon Cubes", which were the power source for all transformers. The Autobots, led by Optimus Prime, were aided by human teenager Spike and his father Sparkplug (yep, those were their names) in their many battles against the Decepticons, led by Megatron. Your basic classic story of good vs. evil.
Also spawned an animated feature in the late 80s, featuring the death of Optimus Prime, and his resurrection in season 3.
Spawned various spin-offs such as "Beast Wars", "Transformers Armada", and "Transformers: Cybertron". But the best is the original.
A live-action feature film is coming in July 2007, under the direction of Michael Bay, which, depending on your taste in movies, could go either way.
Theme Song:
Transformers, more than meets the eye. Autobots wage their battle to destroy the evil forces of the Decepticons. Transformers, robots in disguise. Tranformers, more than meets the eye. Transformers.
Transformers, more than meets the eye. Autobots wage their battle to destroy the evil forces of the Decepticons. Transformers, robots in disguise. Tranformers, more than meets the eye. Transformers.
by HueyFreeman September 15, 2006
by jamezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz October 6, 2005
by The Dalai Lama April 22, 2007