Faggots Indecent of Representing Mankind
girl 1: You don't reckon the FIRM will be at this party tonight do you?

girl 2: I'm afraid so

girl 1: Ah allow they should of been put down at birth
by firm1234 March 25, 2009
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Fit Individuals Representing Movements..made up of a bunch of seriously good looking blokes from Trinity School.
Girl 1: Are the Firm coming out tonight?
Girl 2: Of course.
Girl 1: Oh wicked!! They are all soo fit.
by FIRMMMM February 13, 2009
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To take something that is hard to bear.
She just told me she's not interested.

- Mate you have to firm it.
- Mate gotta firm that shit.
- Firm it son.
by MrYeung January 24, 2014
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fine, nice, hot, good
That '52 Chevy was bien firme!
by nicrod March 29, 2004
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: the level of firm; not weak; having a solid or compact structure
usually referenced to the firm level of a woman's ass or breasts.
One may judge the firmativity of an ass or breasts by firmly grabbing a palmful, then grasping and/or coressing the subjects goods, then judging by curves, proportion, and perkiness..will result in the determination of the Firmativity.
"So me and this girl were going at it and i reached down and grabbed her ass..i couldn't get over the firmativity of her was breathtaking."
by Kosmilly May 2, 2009
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Literally legit as fuck, or defining something as great as it can be. Straight up.
Damn Holmes, did you see those girls walk by??? They look so Firme!!
by MistahRigoh January 18, 2020
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something cool, smooth, nice
Damn that's a firme looking ride
by Katrina November 16, 2004
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