A multimedia animated series airing on Cartoon Network. It's about a blue cat named Gumball and his unusual town, which consists of characters such as a tyrannosaurus, a banana, a shapeshifter, a furry slug, and other trippy characters.
The Amazing World of Gumball is one of CN's best shows.
by Sharkzilla January 13, 2015
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One of the saviors of Cartoon Network along with adventure time and regular show and like those shows has unfortunately ended but unlike those shows it at least gets re ran frequently
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To the one above me gumball is the best show and I hope u die
Someone: gumball sucks
Me: *pulls out a gun* change that right now
by JDMF October 10, 2023
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its a new show on cartoonnetwork about a boy named gumball and his family including his sister his brother, derrick, and his mom and dad.
in the show the amazing world of gumball, one episode derrick kicks down the door and screams I WANT MORE KIDS!!!!!
by Michelle Majestic June 5, 2011
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Stupid ass cartoon where all the people sound like they're screaming when they talk and they look weird as fuck
Me: The amazing world of gumball
Is a piece of shit

Person: why?

Me: the characters scream so much it gives me a damn headache

Person: well I don't think I'll watch that then
by None_Gone September 23, 2013
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