The Activity

"The activity" is a game which everyone has to play.

To win, you must think of "the game".

When you win "the activity", you must say it.
You lose "the activity" when "the game" is over.
person 1: "lost the game!"
person 2 : "What, 'the game'? I won 'the activity'!"
by TheMakerOfTheActivity April 8, 2011
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that little bar you see next to a definition in the U.D.
"hey Jason have you seen the activity for this word?"
"Shut the hell up Jason"
by Jason ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) March 3, 2019
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Oil or grease that black people use in their hair to get a nice shine.
Damn, you have enough activator in yo hair??? I saw you drippin' from the driveway!!!!
by Gallegos99 December 11, 2006
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Currently banging in the set, not MIA
"Yo homie I haven't been active for awhile"...." "well fool I haven't left the streets for one day in the last three years"
by BigPimppin6906 November 16, 2017
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originated in pasadena by niggaz who like replacing cool or tight with active
Damn nigga this party is active!!!
by YunG Fr3$h November 8, 2007
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To be activated is like being triggered, being activated is better than being triggered!
I am so fucking activated right now!!!
by The Stark Knight February 5, 2017
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Things you can do when you make bunk beds, such as aerobics, step class, and army man.

Can result in making your head spin.
Dragon: Look at all this extra floor space!

Night-hawk: So- SO many activities!
by Dr. Doback July 28, 2010
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