When a person grasps another person's ballsack, pulls it up out of the way, and commences licking the ballsack from the backside.
Mary wanted to perform something different on John, so she unvieled the Tenessee Tickler on John's nuts.
by CrashDan April 9, 2007
by GREENLEAN November 18, 2016
Coined by rapper Bizzare ButtFuck Tennessee is used as a term like Up Shit's creek without a paddle or as a small rural town that is boring. Also used n question form to insult someone hick or country.
Person One: Dude there's nothing in this town but a dollar tree.
person two: Welcome to ButtFuck, Tenessee
Hick: Hay ya young' ins wha ya dog gone stoled my gitty up
me: Where are you from? ButtFuck, Tenessee?
Person 1: He knows you slept with his daughter and he knows where you sleep at night.
Person 2: Well i'm in ButtFuck, Tenessee.
person two: Welcome to ButtFuck, Tenessee
Hick: Hay ya young' ins wha ya dog gone stoled my gitty up
me: Where are you from? ButtFuck, Tenessee?
Person 1: He knows you slept with his daughter and he knows where you sleep at night.
Person 2: Well i'm in ButtFuck, Tenessee.
by ColeonBurckett January 25, 2009
When you and your brother(s) (one on bottom, and one on top) members get tangled together while "d'ping" your sister. Usually the result of both units popping out at the same time and getting twisted together when they both miss their mark going back in and get "tangled together."
Oh man, me and my brother members really hurt after banging our sister and getting the ol' tenessee tangler halfway into it!
by jewels winfield April 15, 2011
1. The act in which the woman gets into the reverse crab position, and the man(or woman), gets onto the woman. Next, he inserts both of his feet into the woman's vagina and anus. For the final step, he then procedes to tap dance, or "two step" on the woman. With enough practice, one can easily create further dance moves.
2. A similar definition to the 1st, except instead of a partner performing the move, the woman is able to insert both of her feet into both her vagina and anus. Can be done easily with a flexable person, yet anyone is capable of doing it.
2. A similar definition to the 1st, except instead of a partner performing the move, the woman is able to insert both of her feet into both her vagina and anus. Can be done easily with a flexable person, yet anyone is capable of doing it.
1. Marco and his girlfriend were tired of the same boring sex acts such as the dump truck and alabama hot pocket, so she suggested that they try the Tenessee Two Step, since she had done it herself many times before.
by Sir Robert and Sir Kevin October 3, 2007
by A to the U and E to the L August 12, 2005